Thursday, February 27, 2014

African American Celebrations

Tonight from 6 to 7 we will have our annual celebrate Black history month celebration. Please come out to see some of the amazing displays outside of classrooms as well as other special guest and planned activities. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

African American inspired hair styles

This activity by far was the students most favorite because their eyes were open to the beauty of hair styles worn by African Americans. The lines, shapes, symmetry and so much more amazes me with some of the hair styles we learned about.

Dashiki inspired shirts from Africa

Black History Artist Residency

Our artist residency was with Anita Woodley. The students had so much fun learning about Aftican American history. 

100th day!

Thank you to all who sent in supplies for our 100th day snack mix. 

Life cycle of butterflies

Martin Luther King Jr

We were encouraged by MLK Jr to change the path for our futures  

January showcase

Instruments 3